706, before the melon dies, another melon grows, The Wind Rises, Jian 'mo caida

"You're already so rich, how can your life be a mess?"

Hu linyu felt that Chen hansheng was joking again.

"You have quite a lot of money now."

"Is life going well?" Chen hansheng asked.

Secretary Hu thought about it and agreed. He had only " escaped " from his home, but there was still a difference in perception between him and his parents.

"Anyway, I owe you a favor."

Hu Lin said bluntly.

Chen hansheng nodded. That's more like it.

Now, Shen youchu and Xiao rongyu's best friends owed her something, but in fact, Bian Shishi owed her even more. She had already found a " black-hearted man ", and if an accident happened, she couldn't just turn her back on him.

"Damn it, if Bian Shishi doesn't admit it, I'll tell her that Wang Zibo and Huang Hui slept together."

Otherwise, we'll hurt each other. If I'm not having a good time, you guys can forget about watching.

Otherwise, you can be at ease as a spy and help me get through the Asura arena!