A dangerous mobile phone conference (2)

Even though tool No. 1, Wang Zibo, was scolding Chen hansheng, he could only obey. He really did not want to see his childhood friend fail, especially on such an important day.

Wang Zibo was on Xiao rongyu's side, and his identity was just right. He was Chen hansheng's best friend, Xiao rongyu's good friend, and also Bian Shishi's boyfriend. The only flaw was that he could not act.


Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the International Exhibition Center, Wang Zibo, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, knew that he could not wait any longer. He suddenly coughed and stammered, " um ... My stomach doesn't feel well. I ... I want to go to the bathroom again.


"Didn't you just go there?" Bian Shishi felt a little strange.

I ... I was peeing just now. I think I'm peeing now ...