730, can't stop

"Han Sheng, why don't you come in?"

Lu gongchao saw Chen hansheng and found it strange that he had been standing at the door in a daze.

"No, I might have taken the wrong thing just now."

Chen hansheng walked into the office and took out another cell phone box. After making sure that it was not a model, he handed it to Lu gongchao. I would like to ask principal Lu to give us some valuable advice and help us find our shortcomings so that it would be easier to improve the shell.

Lu gongchao was a vice-director level school leader, so he couldn't just throw it to Yu yueping and Guan Shuman as casually as he did. He had to find an excuse to " crown the Emperor.

"Han Sheng is very thoughtful."

Lu gongchao didn't refuse and gently placed it on the table.

For someone of his level, a mobile phone was just a daily item. However, it was a gift from his " proud disciple ", so it was a little special.