The 25th of December, which is about to explode

"Learn a foreign language?"

The naive Shi Shi didn't understand these 'code words' and asked in confusion, ""Chen hansheng, you're already guaranteed a master's degree. Why are you learning a foreign language?"

I'm born to like studying. I'll learn as much as I can ...

Chen hansheng bragged proudly for a while, but Xiao rongyu couldn't bear to listen to him anymore. She pulled Bian Shishi aside and mumbled to herself.

Not long after, Bian Shi Shi suddenly cried out,"when?" Then, he looked at Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu with his round eyes, as if he could not believe what he was seeing.

Chen hansheng grinned. It seemed that Xiao Yu 'er had told her best friend the truth. Bian Shishi had never expected that the night she went to Wang Zibo's house to rest was the opportunity for Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu to break through the last layer of their relationship.