772, Auntie Liang, I don't want to marry Chen

"Dad, don't ask anymore."

Xiao rongyu interrupted old Xiao's thoughts of getting to the bottom of the matter. She did not explain the specific reason, but only said to Lu Yuqing, ""I'm so tired, I want to take a shower and rest."

"Sure, mommy will get you your pajamas."

Lu Yuqing and her husband looked at each other, nodded, and said, " did you have dinner? I'll make it for you.

Xiaoyu didn't want to eat at first, but thinking that her best friend should be hungry, she forced herself to eat two dumplings before going to take a bath.

"Old Xiao, what do you think is going on?"

In the bedroom, Lu Yuqing and Xiao Hongwei discussed behind closed doors.

"Most likely, she quarreled with Chen hansheng."

Xiao Yu 'er is not a girl who likes to cry, " old Xiao said directly. she stopped crying when we argued in high school. After she went to university, I think she only cried for Chen hansheng.

"This dog!"