The "bright future" of modern university students

After returning to Jian ye in the afternoon, the ordinary employees of shell electronics did not notice at all. They did not know the whereabouts of the company's Big Boss, but the management was watching and asking around. What kind of God would need the big boss and manager Kong to personally invite him?

The logistics department led Wang Xing and the others to the dormitory, and Chen hansheng passed on the development blueprint of the music player to Huang liqian.

First of all, the name " fast broadcast " would probably continue, but there had to be a " shell " in front of it, so it would become a shell business.

Secondly, the research and development time had to be accelerated. This actually did not need Chen hansheng to emphasize. After all, the research and development conditions of jianmo were much better than those of Shen Cheng.