This Spring Festival is very heartwarming

As his relationship with Xiao Yu 'er had improved, Chen hansheng was in a good mood. He put away his phone and went to the living room with a smile.

There were quite a lot of people this Spring Festival. Chen hansheng's family of three, Chen Lan's family of three, her mother-in-law Shen youchu and ah ning, the young couple Feng GUI and Shen Ruyi, and the young nanny Dong 'er. The living room of the Tianjing mountain community was almost full.

Ah ning was the youngest, and she was dressed in a festive and lively manner. She was wearing a brand new bright red down jacket, and even her hair tie had been changed into a khadomi mouse style.

Her hair was in two small buns, and she looked as cute and playful as Nezha.

"Ning, who bought you this set of clothes?"

Empress Dowager Liang really liked Shen Ningning, so she asked as she hugged her.

"My sister bought it."