817, the scumbag father

Ever since they found out that little Yu 'er was pregnant, no one in the' little fish gang 'could sleep well that night.

Bian Shishi packed her luggage and lay in bed at night, chatting with Xiao rongyu on QQ.

Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing closed the door to their bedroom and discussed in a low voice how to solve this problem.

Chen Zhaojun was also under a lot of pressure. He knew the reason why Xiao rongyu was resisting Chen hansheng, so he was tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Only Chen hansheng felt that it was strange. Elder Chen suddenly asked him to go back to his hometown in the morning, but in the evening, he said that he did not need to come back for the time being. The difference in attitude made Chen hansheng inevitably feel a little worried.

He asked his mother about it, but the cute Empress Dowager Liang said that there was nothing unusual.

"My mom's observation skills ..."