Chen hansheng, am I going to be an elder brother?

"Dad, old ginger is spicier."

the logic is weird, " Chen hansheng said with a smile. I can't refute it.

be careful. Don't call while you're driving.

Chen Zhaojun was worried that his son would be distracted, so he hung up the phone. However, in view of the information-sharing policy of the " little fish Party, " he specifically contacted Xiao Hongwei and asked if he should arrange for the two children to meet when Chen hansheng returned in the evening.

Xiao Hongwei could feel elder Chen's concern for his granddaughter (grandson), but he didn't agree to it. let's ask him first. I'm worried that han Sheng's sudden appearance will upset little Yu 'er, so it's better to get to the bottom of it.

Recently, because of Bian Shishi's visit, Xiao rongyu's mood had obviously improved a lot. Her dimples had also appeared on her oval face, and old Xiao was very happy.