843, the trashy Chen

After the results of the postgraduate entrance examination came out, Shen youchu had more things to do. With mo ke's help, he contacted the tutor at Jianye University in advance, prepared the interview materials, and lived a good life with Chen hansheng.

Shen youchu's major was Applied Economics, which was part of the business school. This had little to do with his original major, " Public Management. it was a difficult exam that crossed schools and majors, known as " double cross ".

In the postgraduate entrance examination, the degree of difficulty was the lowest for local, local, or local students. This was because the four years of University had a better understanding of the major and the teachers. During the interview, the teachers would also be more inclined to the students of their own school. Basically, they would be accepted as long as they passed the school's cut-off point.