847, will you suddenly appear?(Part 2)

The short sentence " long time no see " was very interesting. At first, it seemed to be filled with the joy of a sudden meeting, but upon closer inspection, it was more of a heartache of not contacting each other for a long time.

In fact, Xiao rongyu had just arrived in the United States last month. Chen hansheng had even bumped into her at the airport to send her off. Logically speaking, they had not been apart for long. However, there was a very special situation. Xiao rongyu was pregnant, and Chen hansheng was still kept in the dark. This kind of spiritual distance was not something that time and space could compare to.

The two of them stared at each other. Xiao rongyu was standing on the stairs, while Chen hansheng was standing in the living room. There was a distance between them. The unromantic sunlight filled the room, reflecting the floating dust particles.

This scene was just like those in the television series.

"Little Yu ..."