857, today's show is called Mission Impossible

Because of Chen hansheng's greeting, Yan ning paid extra attention when she went to the hospital to see him. She wanted to see what she could find.

However, as soon as she arrived at the ward and saw the 'injured', Yan ning felt strange.

"This person, why does he look so familiar?"

Yan ning thought to herself.

Jin Yangming was also dumbfounded. This was too much of a coincidence. Brother Chen only said that an employee from Samsung had come to visit, but he didn't expect it to be this woman.

Last year, Chen hansheng had also invited Xiao Jin to help him in order to find out more about Yan ning's family background.

Jin Yangming didn't let them down. He pretended to be John Jin, the Vice President of the thousand-mile horse hunting company, and successfully got Yan ning's basic information. Now that they were " old acquaintances ", it was a little f * cking awkward.

Hello, I'm a representative from three-star. I'm sorry to trouble you.