861, the tide of the Shell's counter

With Shen youchu's gentleness, Chen hansheng had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, when he came to the office, he first looked at the fruit shell community. The news about " Samsung mobile phone blasts jianmo university student " was still at the top of the hot post, but he could not see any news on other portals.

"Those F * ckers ..."

f * ck! Chen hansheng cursed. Needless to say, Samsung's public relations team must have dealt with him.

Some TV stations and newspapers published related reports, but the shortcomings of these media were that they could not comment and had no interactive nature.

Without any interaction, the readers might just treat the " phone explosion " as an accident and would not think too deeply about it.

If it was like tieba where people could comment, when people finished reading the news and were ready to move on, they would suddenly find the replies below, such as:

[ 1st comment: everyone is boycotting trash phones. ]