886, from "release" to "life imprisonment"

Little Hu's excitement was a little strange, and even Shen youchu couldn't understand it. Shen youchu's mind was in a mess right now. He was anxious and uneasy, but he also felt a sense of responsibility as a first-time mother.

A mother's love was probably something that was deeply rooted in a woman's bones. When little Yu 'er first found out that she was pregnant, she subconsciously covered her lower abdomen. After Shen youchu confirmed this news, his entire body and mind were filled with the idea of sheltering the baby.


What about Xiao Chen? his relationship with Xiao rongyu should be very stable now.

Her mother-in-law already knew about it, but she still had to find a chance to explain to her sister that ah ning had just signed up for elementary school and did not expect to be an aunt.

As for her studies, she would probably only be able to go for her master's degree next year. How should she ask for leave from the school's tutor?
