He could give up his son, but his granddaughter was more important!

"Shen youchu is pregnant too."

Chen hansheng repeated himself. After that, he immediately covered his head with his hands, ready to receive his mother's punch.

However, after waiting for a while, there was still no movement in the surroundings. Chen hansheng peeked through the gap between his arms and saw Empress Dowager Liang in a daze. Her eyes were staring at the coffee table in a daze, and her lips were trembling as if she was talking to herself.

It seemed like Liang meijuan was also shocked by this news.

"Mom ..." She said.

Chen hansheng felt a little guilty and wanted to comfort her. But the moment he put down his arm, Empress Dowager Liang suddenly reacted. She picked up the towel beside her and hit Chen hansheng hard.

"You little bastard, why is youchu pregnant too?"

can't you think about your father and me? your father has worked for 30 years and has left a good reputation in Harbor City. You've ruined it all!