The theme of the second cell phone:White moonlight and treasure

Chen hansheng, if you're awake, get up quickly. There are a lot of things to do today.

Before Chen hansheng could finish sending his message, Liang meijuan's shout came from outside.

"I know."

Chen hansheng responded impatiently and wiped the sweat off the back of his pajamas. He walked to the living room and complained to Empress Dowager Liang, ""Mom, did you turn off my air-conditioner again last night?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Liang meijuan wasn't surprised at all, as if she made sense. "It's not even may yet. Who would turn on the air-conditioner all night? it's not good for the body. Let the air-conditioner rest."

"F * ck! Why would an air conditioner need to rest!"

Chen hansheng stomped his feet and went to the bathroom to wash up.

It was like yesterday repeating itself. When Chen hansheng was in junior high school, his family's economic condition gradually improved, and they installed air-conditioning in every bedroom.