900, Good Brothers stay single together

The cell phone launch came to a perfect end, and the market response on the first day was very good. In the past, Chen hansheng would have definitely looked for Xiao rongyu and Shen youchu to show off.

However, he no longer had the right to do so. The only consolation was that he didn't have to worry about Shen youchu and Xiao rongyu's situation, because Empress Dowager Liang was in the middle of "time management."

Liang meijuan went to visit her " daughter-in-law " the next day. Because Chen hansheng had specially arranged for a driver, Empress Dowager Liang was unstoppable, and of course, she was not biased.

Even after running a few times and becoming familiar with the route, Liang meijuan felt that jianmo wasn't that big anymore.