The "twin" sisters VS Luo Xuan

The little Secretary wasn't in a relationship yet. Her personal time was basically dedicated to the 2D paper people, so she was particularly easy to coax. She could be appeased by touching her head.

commander Chen, don't forget that you have an interview tomorrow morning. Take a look at the interview outline when you're free.

Before Chen hansheng left, she reminded him.

"I know, I know,"

Chen hansheng waved his hand and said. With the strong launch of the second generation iPhone, many interviews, speeches, meetings, and other invitations were basically non-stop.

But now that director Chen's 'status' had risen, ordinary TV stations couldn't invite him anymore. Of course, it was a different story for friends like ye Qi and Senior Sister ye.

The interview tomorrow would be with a program team from Central TV. The connections behind such a unit were complicated, and even a " Jiangling Pizza Hut " like Chen hansheng would not reject it so easily.