919, family tree

"Um ..."

Hong shiyong was stunned for a moment. In fact, " it's all f * cking Hong shiyong " was already very popular in Chen hansheng's circle of friends. Back then, when guoku and new era were having a PK, no matter who Chen hansheng scolded, he would always say the name " Hong shiyong ".

Even when Shen Ningning got her math questions wrong in the past, she would pout and use a childish voice to Mutter, ""It's all Hong shiyong's fault."

However, Hong shiyong did not know anything about it. When he heard this famous saying, his face stiffened.

Fortunately, Mr. Hong's mental strength was not bad. He immediately adjusted himself and said with a smile," director Chen, maybe this isn't a problem, but a win-win cooperation opportunity.

"Hehe ~"

Chen hansheng responded with a fake smile. Of course, it was not directed at Hong shiyong, but at Zheng guanye's second uncle, Zheng guangyu.