A trip to Korea filled with danger?

"Could that idiot be brother Zibo?"

Chen LAN looked at Wang Zibo's back and asked Chen hansheng.

"Who else can it be?"

Chen hansheng smiled as he recalled, " back then, Wang Zibo helped me copy my math homework for half a month in order to learn " eighteen Dragon subduing palms. after I taught him, he even asked why there was no Golden Dragon circling in the sky like in the TV.

"Goose, goose, goose ..."

"Then how did you answer?" Chen LAN chuckled.

"I said that you don't have enough internal strength."

help me copy my homework for another month, " Chen hansheng said. then I'll teach you all my internal strength. By then, you'll have the Golden Dragon.

"Brother Zibo is too honest."

Chen LAN held Chen hansheng's arm and happily followed her brother to go shopping.