935, fight if you don't want to, who wants to be a B * stard!

"Going against China means that you're hostile to the China."

Chen hansheng read the message and muttered.

"Who are you chatting with?"

Luo Xuan heard it and came over to take a look. He was surprised to find that it was Yan ning."Brother Chen, how do you know Yan ning? she's my senior in University. I was going to introduce you to her."

"Is that so?"

Chen hansheng grinned.

There were two reasons for Chen hansheng's smile. Just now, Luo Xuan suspected that he was chatting with a girl, so he looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

With Chen hansheng's level of skill, Luo Xuan would not have been able to find out if that had happened.

Secondly, he had known Yan ning since last year, and Luo Xuan had even "saved" Yan ning's family.

However, there was no need to explain in detail. Chen hansheng made up an excuse that it was a business relationship, then called Yan ning to understand the actual situation.

um ... Why did he do that? "