953, the solution to the Asura arena

September was the time for college students to register. The educational resources in jianmo were particularly abundant, so from September 1st every year, the central gate bus station would suddenly become very busy.

Accompanied by the elders of their families, a group of young-looking freshmen stepped into the ancient capital of the six dynasties excitedly and uneasily.

"Don't be distracted! You're still so careless even in University!"

The parents didn't realize that their children had grown up, and they still criticized and reprimanded them like before. Then they pointed to the parasol not far away and said, " is that the reception area set up by the University at the train station? "

"Let me see, it's true!"

The soon-to-be freshman found his school and immediately ran over with his suitcase.

"This is the Jian 'an audit."

"This is jiankun Normal School ..."

"Dad, jianmo University of Finance and Economics is here!"