Chen hansheng who delusionally sleeps with Xiao rongyu

"Creak creak ~"

As Chen hansheng carried Xiaoyu, he unlocked the bedroom door. As expected, Xiao rongyu and Bian Shishi were sitting on the edge of the bed and chatting.

Shishi's eyes were red, and Xiao rongyu was comforting her in a soft voice. When they saw Chen hansheng barging in, they frowned at the same time."Don't wake the baby up."

"I'm fine. My daughter is sleeping soundly."

Although Chen hansheng said that he did not mind, he was actually very careful. He gently placed Xiaoyu in the middle of the bed.

When Xiaoyu left her father's arms, she wriggled a little before she clenched her little fists and went back to sleep.

The baby was sleeping very soundly. His chubby face had a healthy blush, his eyelashes were long and curved like his mother's, and they would tremble slightly from time to time. His pink little mouth was tightly closed, and his breathing was even.