The "principle" of Chen zikuang and Chen zipei never meeting again

Shen youchu's apartment was adjacent to Mount zhijin and had a wide view. The sparse rays of the winter sun shone through the glass window and warmly landed on the wooden floor.

In the master bedroom, Shen youchu sat by the bed, quietly staring at the phone screen.

Shen youchu didn't care why Xiao rongyu had her number, because if she wanted it, she could get it.

"Creak creak creak ~"

The sound of the anti-theft door opening came from the living room, followed by the happy voice of mo ke after seeing the little silly guy, " what are you doing, baby? you're making bubbles again. Did you turn over today? "

The little fool had been around for more than four months and had yet to learn how to turn over his body. In comparison, his sister had been able to turn over her body on her own in just three months.