Xiao rongyu's daughter is hungry!

"Old Chen, where are you taking the baby?"

Although Lu Yuqing asked this, she had already guessed something.

Chen Zhaojun did not answer. He carried Chen zikuang to the window in the living room and stared at the distant starry sky in silence. His palm kept stroking his granddaughter's back to comfort her crying.

"Where else can I go?"

Xiao Hongwei sighed and returned to his bedroom to put on his coat.

"You're going too?"

Lu Yuqing asked. From this sentence, she indeed knew the destination.

"We'll go over after the driver comes over."

Xiao Hongwei explained,"the baby will cry a little longer, can you bear to do that?"

"I ..."

Lu Yuqing choked for a moment and also changed his clothes silently.

"If you don't want to, then don't go."

Xiao Hongwei knew his wife's character and advised her.