Xiao rongyu and baby Yan, Chen zipei (Part 2)

While Liang meijuan was lecturing Chen hansheng outside, there was not much movement in the bedroom. Under the warm, yellow light, Xiao rongyu was leaning against the bed in her pajamas. She had one arm around Chen zipei and the other holding a book. She was reading it out loud in clear and Standard Mandarin.

"A bowl of porridge and a bowl of rice is not easy to come by;It was difficult to sustain even half a thread. This sentence tells us to save food and not develop the habit of wasting food, because behind a grain of rice and a thread, there are many people's efforts ..."

"It is wise to silk before rain, and not to dig a well before thirst. it's a reminder that we should repair our houses before it rains, and not dig Wells to get water when we're thirsty. We should be well-prepared in case of accidents ...