At the end of the story, the villain is as precious as a giant panda

After Cao Jiande's subordinates came to visit on the 18th, Chen hansheng's life gradually became normal.

In fact, his normal life also meant that the " little fish gang " and " you Chu gang " had both calmed down. Xiao rongyu and Shen youchu were both used to taking care of each other's children.

Not only that, but they had also unknowingly gotten used to texting and video chatting.

In the beginning, they were all talking about the baby, such as " where did you go for a walk today? " " the baby suddenly talked in his sleep last night? " " the temperature is unstable now, so you should be careful to keep it warm ...

After that, the sense of restraint gradually decreased, and they would also unknowingly talk about other things. One time, when Shen youchu was writing his master's thesis, Xiao rongyu accidentally asked, " is the thesis in your major difficult? " The conversation started.