Hu linyu thought, I'm the clown?

If Xiao rongyu's bite at Sosnovka military base was physical damage, Shen youchu's attack was a magic attack. Chen hansheng's " physical defense " was higher, so he didn't think much of it even though his arm was bleeding.

However, in the face of the magic attack, Chen hansheng's defense was slightly broken. He stared blankly at Shen youchu, who had hit him more than ten times. In the end, it was Xiao Hu who came forward to persuade Shen youchu to leave.

In fact, Hu linyu was also very surprised. Shen youchu's personality was too gentle, so he had always played the role of a heroine who " fought for justice and scolded scoundrels. now that Shen youchu had " hit " Chen hansheng for the first time, Secretary Hu felt that it should not have come to this.

Therefore, Xiao Hu was quite an interesting person.

However, after Shen youchu and Hu linyu returned to the bedroom, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became a little strange.