Xiao rongyu's high ponytail

Chen hansheng left Silicon Valley in the morning. After about three hours of flight, he slowly landed at Kennedy Airport at noon.

However, his sister Chen LAN was the only one with him now. The Secretary was forced to stay at the Silicon Valley venue because she had to help director Feng record the contents of the meeting and help draft some agreements when Li Xiaojie came.

In addition, as the company's Secretary and Chen hansheng's most trusted subordinate, her staying behind also had a certain supervisory role.

Chen hansheng did not have much luggage. When he got off the plane and walked through the exit passage, he saw a few familiar figures from afar.

The first one was Xiao rongyu. The temperature in the United States Bay Area was more than 20 degrees in July. Xiao Yu 'er was wearing a white dress, which looked quite elegant. However, there was a ribbon tied around her thin waist. She had tied it into a bow, which made her look a little playful.