The wedding and the ring

October 1st, 2008, Grand Oriental Hotel in Harbor City.

The early autumn in Harbor City was not like Jianye. The air was already a little chilly, and people had to wear long sleeves to keep out the cold. However, the hotel was very lively because many banquets were held on this rare long holiday.

The Oriental Hotel was only a three-star hotel. So far, there were no five-star hotels in Harbor City. However, for a small place like this, three-star was enough. It could basically meet the daily needs of business meetings, government training, and happy events for the people.

The manager of the Oriental Hotel was called Jia yunshui, a capable and slightly slick middle-aged man in his forties. He had been busy from morning to night, and then enthusiastically stood at the door to welcome and send off guests.

"CEO Wu, we haven't seen each other in a while. Are you here today to contribute?"