Intelligent Species

"We should go back, then. Gabriel, Nico. Run to the quarter. Tell them to prepare for departure," I order two of my men to make haste.

However, before they even left. Two person appear behind us. They are the guy I tasked to be the main unit's messenger. It seems they also have news for me. Let's hear them first.

"Private Castro here to deliver a message sir! BRP Andres Bonificio had sighted multiple ships east from their position! Your command is needed and was informed to make haste!"

Damn, quite a bad news coming up suddenly. Nevermind, we're also returning.

"Affirmative, lead the way." seeing my squad ready, I follow the messenger and thus return to the main quarter.

As I arrive, a completely busy people appear in my eyes as multiple personnel approach me.

"Sir, we have sighted ships numbering around 20. Class, unknown, size, smaller that our cruisers!" I enter my tent as reports piles up.

The ships numbering around 20 are technologically inferior to us. They have smaller size that our cruisers and made out of... Woods?

I see, I know this. Before the invention of heavy artillery, they only mount cannons on their ships. Expecting as such, they might be really far inferior than us. Although we still need to be wary since they have far greater quantity in terms of battle prowess.

"Change of plan, we will stay here until they come near. Send BRP Andres Bonifacio, they might be here for interaction. Do not engage by any means unless it is deemed necessary!"

"Yes, sir!" One of the personnel reply and turn to leave the tent.

I sit in front of my desk as papers for ration and resources material is needed to be signed.

I really hate paperwork since I grew up in a battlefield, but it is necessary so I don't think I can even oppose to it.

Of course, I haven't forgotten about the unusual creature so I order my men to improvise their defenses since it might come with more of them.

Quite scary for a predator to sense its prey more than 2 kilometers away.

Soon, two men enter my tent and interrupt me from my job. But it is alright, it's nothing important after all.

"Captain Marcos, commander of BRP Andres Bonificio, request your assistance on the matter regarding the interaction with the intelligent species," I frown as I hear the words coming out from their mouth.

"What do you mean my assistance?"

"Upon reaching our ship, The foreign creature immediately order captain Marcos to be boarded. Because of that, he became hesitant and thus didn't reply, he sent a code to us in order to inform you of this, commander."

Wait, the other side order us to be boarded? Do they think they're superior because of their number?

I can't help but sigh as it reminds me when back when I was still in the army. A certain radio call was received by our group during war of independence. The enemy tried to contact us and made an ultimatum saying we will be bombarded if we won't let them land. Of course, we didn't accept.

"Roger, send a message to inform them of my arrival. Reyes, prepare a boat."

"Yes, captain,"

"Yes, commander, well then." the messengers made a salute and turn their body along with Reyes and left the room.

20 ship against our 9. After hearing the report, they have inferior technology but they seem quite confident of it. Shouldn't they be intimidated by the ship I sent? I mean destroyer isn't that quite big compared to my Jose Rizal, still it's quite large as it is a Azizuki class destroyer.

I fix the papers above my desk and left the room. I sniff some fresh air as warm sensation spread to my face. It is now 9:30 in the morning. The sun, which got blocked by the mountains, is now standing beautifully at the sky.

After that, I move towards the prepared boat for my departure and board it with ease. Soon, my men row her as we approach the destroyer tasked to interact with the foreign land.


[Marcos POV]

The fleet commander had ordered me to interact with the approaching ships. It is quite an honor to be the first one to do that, yes.

But why are things like this?!

Standing right in front of me is a tall, porcelain, woman...? She have pointy ears and have a beautiful face even without cosmetics! Damn!

"Is your leader still not here?" the lady raise one of her golden eyebrow which is similar to her gorgeous golden hair as she cross her arms right below her average size bosom.

"Apologies, but please do be patient."


Wait, did I just hear her click her tongue? Do they look down on us?! We, the one who repelled an invading country!? How dare they!

Nevertheless, I need to remain calm. Showing my emotion to this foreign human or whatever might cause us some disadvantage. I better let the commander do the talk.


"You have already let them board, Marcos," As I arrive in front of the two figures. I immediately scolded him for acting without my permission. Though it is not quite the problem right now.

The problem is, the other figure is looking down on me, literally.

A tall, slightly taller than Caucasians are, stares at me with her green emerald eyes.

"Are you their leader?" She ask with a cold tone.

Wait, what's with that attitude?

"Yes, I am. It seems we have a lot to talk about. But first, why don't we move to our designated place?" I offer the lady for a better place to converse yet she immediately deny.

"No, that would be unneeded. We only came here for the gate, but it seems the lower being had already occupied it. So we want you to move away your strange ships and go back to where country you belong."

Vein pop out of my forehead as I hear the absurd order of the lady. Who in the world does she think she is?

"Well about that, we apologize, but we find it unreasonable to follow your orders. So, no."

"Are you defying us, you lower being?!" Oh no, she seems to have snapped!

The lady raise his left hand and point it towards me. Feeling something strange, I instinctively evade an attack that came out from thin air.

Soon, my men that surround us point their hand cannon to the lady that just tried to murder me.

"Remain still! Move an inch and one of your limbs will be gone!" Marcos threaten the lady but she seems unbothered by it and perform another attack.

But before that happens, Marcos fired his gun towards the lady's arm. The bullet struck her thin biceps that made her drop from her position.

"Check the commander's condition! You, capture this lady, we will perform an interrogation. Samuel, order Kopyo to engage at the enemy!"

"But sir!"

"Just do it!"

I faintly hear the sound of my subordinates voice as I slowly stand up with the support of my crew. Soon, multiple shots of artillery were fired in multiple directions destroying half of the enemy fleet.

"Refrain from firing!" I order Marcos as I approach him.

"What are you doing?!" I ask him as I grab his shirt collar.

"Sir, they just attempted to kill the head of the fleet. I have also observe the lady's attitude. She didn't even introduce herself and yet she act all mighty. I want them to show our power, that's all."

"That's all?! Do you think using this destructive weapons for a nonsense is justifiable?!"

"It is, you're life is at stake, commander. We cannot let that happen again!"

I look away as I calm myself down. I can't comprehend the current situation as we just exposed our capabilities to this foreign land. Much less, to an inferior culture.

I turn my head to look at the frightened lady who, just a moment ago, had a composed face full of dignity. She now have a dark face while being drag by the sailors with powerless body.

As I look at her. Marcos' order doesn't seem too bad as they show how powerful our might is.

"I'll be the who will interrogate her,"

"But sir, you were just almost killed a moment ago! We can't let you get near to that woman again!"

"I know, that's why your coming with me," I left the stunned captain as I first move towards where prisoners were held.


"Good day, again-"

"Does this day look good to you?! I just lost half of my ship, half of my unit! And you dare say this day to be good? I promise the moment I were released here, you lower beings will regret it!"

We are currently sitting facing each other on a certain room inside the destroyer ship. I'm with Marcos and some of my assigned personnel to guard me so I remain safe.

"You attack me first,"

"And?! You think that's enough reason to kill them!? Is this what you learn in war? To not value the life of every living creatures around the continent?! The Elders will sure bring wrath to your kingdom the moment they hear what happen here!"

Upon hearing the lady's statement. All of us expect her grew confused.

"Kingdom? Elders? Continent? What do you mean?" I ask her expecting an answer but...

"What?! You don't even know that? You foolish humans really think for your greed and throw your other knowledge away, huh!? This is why the goddess left you!"

Wait, wait!

Hang on a second. Goddess? What does she mean by we throw our knowledge?

"Look here Lady, If you don't get to the point we will destroy the rest of your ships and make sure no one can return to your homeland or something." Marcos threatens the lady. Unlike before, the lady began to tremble as if reminding her the earlier event. Truly, it was frightening.

I glare at him as I deem his threat unnecessary and will only make the situation worsen.

"We let you roam freely, we followed the goddess' words, we gave you knowledge and wisdom. And yet, you're using that against us! Do you even realize how despicable you are?! You shameless being, you should've been grateful and yet here you are using your disgusting mass murdering weapon to show how frightening you are?!"

I've had enough,

"It seems you're having a misunderstanding, Lady...-"

"Floria, be honored to hear one of the elven names you shameless beings!"

"-Lady Floria. We don't have any idea what you're talking about. Much less continent, we don't even know who is this 'Goddess' you're talking about. My fleet just happened to be in this island for a temporary shelter. We will soon leave after taking a rest so you can have it for yourselves."

That's right, though they are intelligent species. The higher ups never told us anything about them. They just told us find any living creatures in this foreign world and return after that.

"Leave? Where do you think you will go, to our nation? To invade us?!"

And again, she begin to make a ruckus.

"No, we will return to where we came from. Which is the other side of the gate."

Upon hearing my words. The lady who is getting violent suddenly became silent. She stare at us with an observing look but soon gone pale as if she remember something, a quite unusual sight for a dignified lady.

"Y-you... You came from the other side?" She slowly ask as she stare at me intently.

"Yes, and we are currently in a search mission. We will be returning soon, after confirming foreign life."


The lady just stare at me again with a pale face. I am now growing confuse about her action as it really is unusual for her despite us meeting just for a while.

"May I ask for all of you to leave and give me some time alone?" The Lady lowered her heads as she said that.

Oh, so she wants to be alone. Well no problem on that.

"Very well. I will come back in hour."

She just nodded silently as a form of reply.

I wonder what happened? It seems like she is quite down the moment she heard we came from the gate. Are their arrival connected to the gate?


HE shell - High Explosive

AP shell - Armor-Piercing