How to have fun while fighting monsters

Crilines have great regenerative powers, and Gina knew it.

Hence she didn't dare to close up on the Criline and smashed her Warhammer on the ground in front of her.

Several Earthen ripples erupted from the point of impact and closed upon the Criline approaching her and Noah.

She glanced at Noah, signaling him to strike when the time is right.

"Attack after my spell!!" she reminds him to not attack before her spell is activated

"[Earth-Creeper]" Gina muttered under her breath while looking toward Noah from the corner of her eyes.

"Now!" she said.

Noah nodded and turned into a purple blur following behind the earthen ripples on the ground.

As soon as the ripples got close enough to the Criline they transformed into several vines and pounced on the Criline.

Each and every earthen vine curled around the legs, hands, neck, and body of the Criline, heavily restricting its movements.

Although Crilines have amazing strength and very high regeneration, they can't use any kind of magic


They had high magic resistance. They could resist low-tier spells used by mortals and these imperial guards easily.

One of the main reasons why the Imperial guards suffered so many critical damages was because they used most of their mana reserves to deal damages from long range which didn't help much because of Criline's high magic resistance.

And when the Crilines got close enough, they were not their match anymore in close-range combat as they were lacking mana.

Noah reached the Criline and he released a sliver of his Saber Intent along the edges of his Saber.


He cut its neck, severed its arms and legs, and then ripped apart its body into many small pieces mercilessly. Then Noah quickly got back to Gina's side.

All the parts of the Criline's body grouped up together and regenerated to their previous form but this time, its size decreased considerably to 2.4 meters from its previous 2.5 meters.

It was Noah's Saber Intent that brutally cut the cells of the Criline and caused them to die permanently.

Unlike Ares's attack, where the size difference was impossible to notice. Noah's attack was several times more effective.

The perception of high-rank practitioners like Gina, who is an A-rank is much higher than non-cultivators, and they could notice such a difference easily.

Gina noticed this change and squinted her eye slightly then she yelled to the guards who were still fighting the other four Crilines cluelessly:

"These monsters reduce in size from physical damage!"

Noah had an uncaring expression. He didn't care about these guards at all but Gina was a different person with her own personality and attitude.

And he respected her so he didn't stop her either from helping them.

Since Imperial guards mainly avoided close combat with the Crilines, none of them were injured enough to display a significant reduction in size, unlike Noah who straight-up ripped it apart into countless pieces with his Saber Intent that did much more damage when compared to any normal physical attack.

Imperial guards heard the warning and internally thanked Gina for giving them a crucial hint on defeating these monsters and helping them to reduce casualties.

The Criline that was ripped apart into pieces by Noah got up from the ground and pounced towards Noah in fury.

Only then did Noah notice something...

'I guess, they do feel pain but can't speak...furthermore, they also have emotions huh? Hmm, they are completely different from Slimes. Slimes don't have any emotions. They eat, excrete and reproduce.'

Before the Criline could approach Noah,

"[Shieldar]" Gina shouted and formed a protective earth shield in front of Noah and simultaneously formed several earthen vines to restrict the Criline's movements.

But her "[Earth-Creeper]" was too slow, and the Criline easily reached Noah...

Gina truly loved Noah with all her heart and could not help but be worried about him, especially when he is only a C-rank.

A C-rank can't be compared to the speed of an A-rank.

Even with his advanced technique [Lightning-Step], he can't match an A-rank's speed.

This was also the reason why Noah didn't chase the last surviving A-rank practitioner while suppressing his cultivation to D-rank when he was attacked by the Empress's goons.

Criline's speed was comparable to an A-rank.

Unlike Ares who was using [Energy] as her base element to boost her speed, it can't be compared with Noah's [Lightning].

Although both of them were at C-rank, Ares was only a step away from breaking through B-rank.

Furthermore, her [Energy-Boots] was developed with the help of Valentina, who was an idiosyncratic genius.


So what? Noah was an experienced veteran, how can he not see what this mindless Criline wants to do so badly.

Criline was just acting on its emotions which were filled with anger and fury.

Criline approached Noah at high speed and raised one of its hands to rip out Noah's heart from his chest.

"NOOO!" Gina was in despair as she ran towards her lover with all her might.

She can't lose the person she loves the most in this world like this... In her agony, she completely forgot about the existence of the SSS-rank overprotective mother who always had an eye on both of her children and was ready to intervene if the need arises.

But then-

Noah raised his fist towards the Criline and,

Suddenly a purple lightning figure emerged behind Noah's back.

"[Tyrosauridae]" Noah focused his mana to form a large 3-meter gigantic lightning lizard.

Its forelimbs were very short, as small as 50 centimeters and it stood on its long, large, and thick hindlegs with a long tail swinging behind. Unlike a dragon, it neither had horns nor wings.

It was made up entirely of purple lightning that was violently raging across its body.

Valentina and Ares who just turned the Criline that they were fighting into ashes, looked towards the large lizard with bulging eyes.

Gina's heart skipped a beat when she looked at the bone-chilling figure made up entirely of violent [Lightning].

Imperial guards were too busy to take care of their own problems, hence they didn't notice anything except Valentina crushing one of these monsters into oblivion with a few slashes of her fatal scythe and Ares helping her by repeatedly using her sword to cut the monster's arms and legs.

"Go!" Noah ordered and punched the air in front of him.

The gigantic lizard followed obediently with its large maw opened which displayed its razer sharp purple lightning teeth.


Roared the huge lizard as sparks of purple lightning caused the ground around its thick hind legs to burn with crackling sounds and several lightning sparks were exhaled from its mouth.

*Crack!* *Crack!* several cracks formed on the ground around its legs and


The lizards pounced on Criline at a very high speed.

Though the Crilines were resistant to magic to a large extent, yet they were not immune.

Additionally, the metaphysical state of the humongous lizard that was huge and strong along with a large amount of mana that was pumped into it, to form violent lightning was like hitting a bulldozer.


The lightning lizard used its huge head to throw the Criline flying like a kite whose string was cut off.

The Criline's body was severely damaged due to such a powerful hit along with the sparks of lightning that were surging through its body, burning its greyish flesh asunder.

'Whhaaat!!!' thought Gina, Valentina, and Ares as they felt a cold breeze passing through their spine while looking at the humongous lizard that was smiling smugly with its purple lightning teeth on display for all the girls to look at as if it was some precious antique piece!

Although Gina was surprised yet she regained her bearings quickly and rushed toward the place where the Criline was about to fall and swung her Warhammer at full power while covering it with a thick layer of earthen mana.


The Criline was sent flying across the forest again-


-towards the gigantic lizard who was still smirking and roared as it pounced towards the Criline.


The Criline went towards Gina again, and back to the lizard then back to Gina and in less than 2 seconds the Criline's size was reduced to 1 meter as Gina and the gigantic lizard used the Criline as a ball to play a game hitting the Criline again and again with enthusiasm and excitement!

"Hahahaha" Gina giggled happily, she never had so much while fighting monsters but this....this was entirely different.

Noah approached Valentina and Ares who had their jaws dropped to the ground.

Such extensive control over your own mana was on a completely different level to the mana-control of people on Earth.

Even the genius of centuries like Valentina has never imagined to do anything like this... using your mana to form a being and control it like an extension of your body...was unheard of.

Though many people over the years have been inspired by several beings, and have used them for offense or defense...but it has always been a one-time use.

Once a python is formed, it is used to attack the enemy straightforwardly and once its purpose to attack its enemy is completed it vanishes into thin air as mana assimilates into the air.

That is how most spells works that are developed by the people on Earth.

Valentina and Ares's horizons expanded exponentially, only now when they thought about it, they have been subconsciously using [Energy-Swords], [Energy-Scythe], and [Energy-Boots] in fight continuously which were not one-time use and act as an extension of your body.

They have never thought of forming spells that could be used repeatedly.

Though the size of the giant lizard was decreasing at a rapid pace, because the mana inside the lightning lizard was assimilating with the mana in the air, yet it was very effective compared to spells that humans use on Earth which instantly vaporizes after its job of either attacking or defending is done.

As for Gina, she was having her fun. "It is so much fun Noah...hehehe!" She was having so much fun that she completely forgot Noah's status as the Prince of Delos Empire and used his name casually like she usually does when they are alone after her confession!

Ares didn't notice this, but Valentina had a small frown on her beautiful face.

Suddenly, Gina's thoughts run amok in her mind...

'I am not a coward...I am not!'

'I-i just never found someone to have fun with...' as small tears threatened to leave from the corner of her eyes. She wiped her eyes quickly but Noah didn't miss it and smiled upon seeing Gina having fun, something different from her usual busy schedule.

Although Valentina had a small frown, yet she was still surprised by Noah.

She looked at Noah as her eyes were filled with excitement, anticipation, and expectations from her son.

Noah noticed her gaze and walked behind her.

He hugged her from behind as he rested his chin on her shoulder,

"Don't look at me like that mother, I am the son of 'The Genius' right?"

Valentina blushed slightly in embarrassment, hearing her son calling her 'The Genius', as his hot breath on her ear caused her to tremble a little.

She didn't mind this level of intimacy, but if Noah goes any further...




But then Noah bit her earlobes and-