Chapter 4


How do I open the door? Haaa...

I've been swiping this darned card but it doesn't seem to work. I'm already getting embarrassed even though nobody else is here aside from me.

"Granny, help me..." I mumbled as I swiped the card once again.

Suddenly, I heard a scoff coming from my side. My body froze upon realizing that I wasn't alone anymore.

This is so embarrassing. I wanna bury myself.

I slowly turned to look at him and saw that his door was already open. I didn't get to see how he opened his door, so I wanted to ask him how he did it, but it feels kinda embarrassing to do that.

Still... it's better than not opening it at all.

My eyes that were focused on his door now looked at his face. Seeing his face made me wonder how his parents made him for him to look like that.

He looked like someone out of a comic book or from the television. In fact, he looks better than any actor I've seen on TV.

He looks so... unreal.

He has dark red hair that was almost close to black, sharp amber eyes with a mole under the left eye, a tall nose, pink lips, and a sharp jawline.

His features were perfectly shaped as if he was carefully sculpted by the gods.

Even though I should feel offended when he scoffed at me, I couldn't bring myself to feel that way because of how handsome he looked.

I was left speechless by his good looks that I couldn't open my mouth to ask him how he managed to open his door.

Suddenly, he raised his card and tapped it on the black part above the doorknob. It took me a second to realize that he was teaching me how to open the door.

Before I could even thank him, he had already gone inside, leaving me all alone outside.

"Thank you..." I mumbled as I stared at his closed door. I grabbed the strap of my bag that was on the floor and pushed the door open.

As soon as I stepped inside the room, it felt like I was living in an entirely different world. Back in the province, we didn't have the luxury to have this kind of room especially since my Uncle was the sole breadwinner of the family.

He had to provide for our basic needs, pay for my tuition, give me an allowance, and more. The other kids had it better than me in terms of financial situation, so maybe that's why I feel so amazed knowing how I'm able to stay in a place like this for free.

The room was painted with a warm shade of white and was furnished with expensive-looking furniture. The bed looked so soft and comfortable, making me remember how the bed back at home looked. It can't even be compared to this.

It would be nice if I get to buy a bed like this for my granny...

I put my bags next to the bed and decided to see the room some more.

In front of the bed was a study table and on top of it was a... a laptop?!

I immediately ran towards the table and carefully touched the laptop in front of me. I wasn't even able to notice it, but there's also a phone next to it.

Maybe I went into the wrong room... Or maybe I have a roommate.

Because I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to touch them, I decided to just let them be and explored the room some more.

I knew this school is the best in the entire country, but I didn't think the dorms would be this nice. The room is probably thrice as big as the room my granny and I sleep in back at home, and there's even a bathroom inside.

The corners of my lips rose as I thought of how I'd get to live the best school life in this place.

I'd be sure to climb to the top just like what I promised my granny.


Days went by quickly.

During the time that Yuri was still getting used to the dormitory life, he found out that all students who stay in the dormitory have their own rooms, meaning that everything inside his room was provided for him and only for him by the school.

He hasn't been going out of his room a lot since he's afraid to go out because he still doesn't know anyone. The days he spent in his room were more comfortable than the days he spent back home. He doesn't have to cook meals for himself because the school provides them for the students, and the only things he has to think of are studying hard, cleaning his room, and doing his laundry.

Yuri even got to the point where he began to question if what's happening to him is actually real.

Facing the full-length mirror in front of him, Yuri fixed his tie and smiled as he looked at his reflection.

'Dressing like this makes me seem like one of the other rich kids at school,' he thought to himself as he looked at his reflection from different angles as he posed.

He's wearing a gray blazer with a white long sleeves shirt under, a black necktie, black slacks, and a new pair of black shoes. The blazer has a thin black line detailing the collar down the lapels, front seam, and hem of the blazer. It also has the logo of the school on the left side of the chest. The logo is a shield with the letters CA over it and a crown on top of the letters and is embroidered carefully using a gold-colored thread.

Before leaving the room, he fixed his curtain bangs first and practiced smiling in front of the mirror so he would look appealing to others.

"Perfect," he mumbled as he smiled, satisfied with how he looked.

Yuri took his bag that was on his bed, slung the straps on his shoulders, and headed out of his room with cold feet and hands, feeling nervous about meeting the other students.

'It's okay... You're Uriel Delavin. This is nothing. You'll do great, Yuri,' he thought to himself as he took a deep breath while waiting for the elevator doors to open.

He looked up and saw that the elevator is still on the 10th floor, so he decided to just take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. As he walked down the stairs, he could feel his palms getting sweaty as his heart raced like crazy.

Finally reaching the ground floor, he immediately left the dormitory and headed to the building where his classroom can be found.

Even though he mostly stayed inside his room during the past few days, he at least looked for his classroom as soon as he was informed where it was so he wouldn't get lost on the first day of class.

Walking up the stairs along with other students who seemed more normal than what he expected, Yuri threw quick glances on their faces to see if there were a lot of good-looking students.

'None of them seem to look as good as I do,' he thought as he suppressed a smug smile from forming on his face.

As Yuri walked to his classroom, he composed himself on the way there so he wouldn't seem nervous. He stopped in front of an open door with a sign saying '1-C' above it.

The omega, Uriel Delavin, stepped inside the classroom with a slightly raised chin to display a confident demeanor.

'I got this.'