Here is a bonus chapter since it's Valentine's Day. Not-so-romantic, but I hope you'll like it! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

NOTE: This is only a BONUS CHAPTER.




[What's your type?]

"Hmm... My type?" Yuri said as he put his hand under his chin and looked up. "I guess he has to be a hottie? Oh! Also, athletic and muscular," he giggled.

[Who was your first crush?]

"If we're talking about my first crush... I guess it was the boy who called me ugly before?" he smiled awkwardly. "The reason why I had a crush on him them was that he was the first person to ever call me ugly," Yuri laughed.

"Although it might seem weird, that was enough to make me think about him for days. I still remember having a crush on him because it was around the time when I was preparing to move to the province with my granny," Yuri explained.

[Was he the same as your type, then?]

"I can't really remember his face. I just remember finding him cute, and of course, he's not muscular. We were still kids back then, you see," Yuri let out a soft chuckle.

[If you were to meet him again, is there a possibility that you'd have a crush on him again?]

"I can't say," Yuri shrugged. "Paris is really hot, athletic, and muscular. Oh, I just know he's muscular because his figure can be made out under his shirt. I never peeped on him or anything, okay? Don't get me wrong," Yuri blushed.

[Nobody said you peeped on him, Yuri.]

"Ehem..." Yuri cleared his throat and looked away.

[Next question. If it's not Paris, is there someone else whom you'd probably have a crush on?]

Theodore popped into Yuri's head. The sarcastic smile that the alpha often wears was plastered on his face, and just imagining that made Yuri's face distorted from annoyance.

"If I explored the school more, I guess I could find someone like that. But Paris is obviously the best of the best out of all of them," Yuri smiled widely, trying to replace Theodore's face in his mind.

[It seems like you thought of someone just now. Who was it?]

"I didn't, though? What are you talking about?" Yuri tilted his head as he blinked his eyes innocently.

[Hmm... Let's just say, I believe you, haha.]

"I was telling the truth!" Yuri yelled defensively and pouted as his face turned red.

[Anyway, next question. Have you ever thought of the possibility that Paris might not be interested in you?]

"No. Never. Who wouldn't be interested in me?" Yuri smiled as he lifted his chin proudly. "I'm good-looking and smart. I can act well and I can even sing well. Also, I have a hidden talent. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot," he continued and stuck his tongue out.

[How about this... Have you ever thought of the possibility that your interest in him may not last long?]



"Hmm... Not at all. Paris is the ideal guy for me," the omega answered.

[You hesitated just now, didn't you?]

"I didn't! S-Stop making things up!" Yuri defensively said as he stood up from his stool, almost falling flat on his face.

[Alright, fine. Last question. If someone were to confess to you, what kind of confession would you prefer?]

"A romantic one, of course! Who doesn't like romantic stuff?" Yuri said as he sat properly on the stool.

[Could you please elaborate?]

"You know? Just the romantic stuff where he looks directly into your eyes and tells you he loves you with all sincerity. The mood and place should be nice, too. Maybe during a date or something? That would probably be the best time to confess," Yuri smiled as he imagined Paris confessing to him like that.

[Well, aren't you such a hopeless romantic. Thank you for answering my questions! I hope things work out well for you.]

"I hope so, too!"



[What's your type?]

"Hypothetically, if I do fall in love with someone, it would probably be for someone who's not annoying and someone who doesn't make me uncomfortable," Theodore answered as he looked directly into the camera.

[Who was your first crush?]

"Me? A crush? Are you stupid? I don't even believe in romantic love, let alone understand it. I even said the word hypothetically earlier," he frowned.

[U-Um... Have you ever thought of dating? Of course, the kind of dating that happens even if there are no romantic feelings involved.]

"No. I can't be bothered by such things right now. There are more things that should be given more focus, like my academics and learning early about how to manage a company. Isn't that what someone my age should do?" Theodore said as he raised a brow as if he said something so obvious.

[Honestly speaking, it's not. At your age, you shouldn't be thinking about managing a company and start having fun instead.]

"Whatever. Don't tell me what to do," the alpha clicked his tongue and frowned.

[Next question. What do you think of Yuri?]

"Huh? Why are you bringing him up?" Theodore's eyebrows furrowed as he frowned even more.


"Haaa... I think he's annoying. He makes me uncomfortable, and he's also two-faced. Did you see how he's acting all sweet when it comes to other people and he's suddenly so different when it comes to me?" he scoffed. "I hate people like him the most," he continued as he shook his head.

[I don't think it's Yuri's fault, though?]

"Then, are you saying that it's mine?" Theodore raised a brow as he looked at the camera with disbelief.


Theodore sighed.

[Next question. What are your thoughts about romantic love?]

"As I've said earlier, I don't understand what romantic love is. But... based on what I've seen from my parents, I guess it's something that ties you down? It's really bothersome, but it seems like my parents like being tied down to each other," he shrugged.

"They look happy even if they fight about the most trivial things. No matter how many times they fight, they always end up making up and they still continue to love each other, leaving all of their fights behind," Theodore smiled a little as he remembered his parents.

"I guess that's what love is, romantic or not," he continued.

[For the last question... How would you feel if Yuri loves you romantically?]

"HUH?! What are you talking about? You're bringing him up again! That's so disgusting!" Theodore stood up from his stool with a look of disbelief and disgust on his face.

[Hmm... You're blushing.]

"What— Hey, I'm not!"