Chapter 20

"Oh, so you're waiting for Rain?" Yuri said as he looked at Paris. "Yeah, he said we're gonna eat together," Paris smiled. "Do you want to join us?" he continued, still smiling.

Yuri felt like his face would burst as his blood rushed to his face. He felt so hot and his heart raced as if he had just run an entire marathon.

"Is... Is that okay?" Yuri asked as he looked at Paris shyly. "Of course, it is!" Paris chuckled. Yuri's eyes sparkled upon hearing his response.

"By the way, do you have a fever?" Paris said as he put the back of his hand on Yuri's forehead. At that point, the omega felt like his heart would jump out of his throat.

'This isn't healthy. Am I reacting too much just because of a crush?' Yuri thought as he stepped backward.

"Ah, I just feel hot," he let out a soft chuckle as responded. "Hmm, it is a bit hot today. Let's just wait for Rain for a bit and we can leave right after that," Paris said and ruffled Yuri's hair.

Yuri held his breath as he felt like he was going to squeal anytime now. Paris started being all touchy all of a sudden, and he felt like it meant that he was starting to become special to him.

"You're here?" Rain said as he walked towards them. "You told me to come, right?" Paris said as he tilted his head a bit, confused as to why Rain was asking as if it was a shock to see him there.

"Oh, right..." Rain nodded as his eyes strayed all over the place, trying to remember when it was. "By the way, I asked Yuri to join us for lunch," Paris said as he snaked his arm around Yuri's neck.

"What a coincidence. I invited Theodore, too," Rain smiled as he glanced at his back and looked at Theodore.

"Oh, Theo! You gonna join us?" Paris asked with widened eyes. "You're finally noticing me now, huh?" Theodore said as he shook his head a bit with a half-smile on his lips.

Paris chuckled and said, "Come on, man. I didn't do it intentionally." Theodore let out a soft chuckle and said, "Never mind that. Why don't you look at that guy? His face is beet red."

Paris raised his brows and looked at Yuri.

'Paris is so close to me... He also smells so good. I wonder if it's because of his pheromones or because of his perfume? I heard from Chesca that he's an alpha... Maybe that's why he smells so good,' Yuri thought as he tried to compose himself.

His face was just like what Theodore said, beet red.

"Oh, right! You said you were hot. I'm sorry for making you feel hotter," Paris said as he removed his arm from Yuri's shoulder and moved away from him.

"It's okay..." Yuri said and looked away.

'He's so obvious...' Rain thought as he watched Yuri awkwardly stand next to Paris

'Does he like Paris?' Theodore thought as he scoffed.

Yuri shot his eyes up as he heard the alpha's scoff. He glared at him, making Theodore smirk upon seeing how the omega looked at him.

"What?" he mouthed as he raised his brows. Yuri rolled his eyes at him and pursed his lips.

Without realizing it, Yuri managed to calm down just because of Theodore. His annoyance towards him was enough to top the heart-fluttering moment that just happened earlier.

"Should we go now?" Rain asked as he jerked his head in the direction where they were going. "Just a sec. If he's going, then I'm not gonna come with you," Theodore said while looking at Yuri.

'Then, don't come... Or at least that's what I want to say,' Rain thought as he maintained his poker face.

"Why? Did you guys fight or something?" Paris asked as he raised his brows and looked at the two.

"No," Yuri responded while looking at Theodore. "I feel uncomfortable with him. You don't like him too, right, Rain?" Theodore said as he looked at Rain, waiting for him to agree to him.

'Just when I thought that he might not actually be that bad of a person, he goes saying things like that in front of my face,' Yuri thought as his gaze fell on the floor.

"Hmm? No. Yuri and I are friends," Rain said as he moved towards Yuri and wrapped his arm around his. "What are you saying?" Theodore said as he looked at Rain in disbelief.

"I was wrong about him. He's a good person, Theo," Rain replied as he looked directly into the alpha's eyes.

Before Theodore could even respond, Yuri jumped into their conversation. "I'm not coming. I just remembered I had something to do, so I can't spend my break time freely," Yuri said and smiled.

'Before I even knew Paris and Rain, they were already Theodore's friends. It's only right that I shouldn't come,' Yuri thought.

"I'm sorry, Paris," he said as he looked at the guy standing next to him. "Rain," he continued as he removed Rain's arm.

"Enjoy your lunch!" Yuri said and jogged to the classroom's door.

'He's really not coming? He looked so happy earlier when I asked him...' Paris thought as he looked at Yuri, who was already inside the classroom.

Rain sighed. 'Theodore... This annoying unexpected factor. He's even more annoying than Vicky now. I shouldn't have invited him,' he thought as he looked in Yuri's direction too.

'They're both quiet. Haaa... This makes me seem like the bad guy now,' Theodore thought as he frowned. 'Well... I guess I am...' he thought.

"Whatever. I'm gonna eat on my own. Enjoy your lunch," Theodore said and walked away immediately.

"What...?" Paris mumbled as he watched Theodore walk away. "Hey, Theo! Are you really not gonna eat with us?" he asked, making his voice a bit louder so Theodore would hear him.

The alpha just waved his hand, gesturing that he was really not gonna join them.

Paris groaned. "Argh... What the... Yuri just went away for nothing. It's not like I can ask him again when he already felt bad..." he mumbled.

"Let them be. I was initially planning to eat alone with you," Rain said as he patted Paris' shoulder.

'I just remembered asking him last Friday to eat lunch with me today...' Rain thought, feeling a bit guilty for forgetting, especially since he's the one who asked Paris to eat with him.

"Haaa... Alright. Let's go," Paris said and started walking.

As they walked together, Paris realized that Rain doesn't really invite anyone to eat with him. And if he does invite, it's always with all of the 'Elites'.

'I wonder what he wants to talk about...'