Chapter 44

"So, Yuri... Do you wanna go out with me this weekend?"

Yuri lifted his head and gave a questioning look to the person sitting across him. "This weekend? Aren't the exams coming up soon?" he said as his eyebrows scrunched, wondering if he got the dates mixed up.

'Ah, right... he's the studious type,' Vince thought as he stopped himself from smiling. 'Isn't he just too perfect?' he thought.

"Ah, right. It slipped my mind," Vince chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. "Then, how about after exams? Will that be alright for you? I'll pay for everything, so you don't have to worry about the expenses," Vince said with a smile on his face.

'This guy... Is he really asking me out on a date?' Yuri thought as he felt a bit flattered.