Chapter 58

"What?" Yuri said and laughed. "Sure, sure. Go ahead and pay. You're not an ass now," he chuckled.

'That wasn't what I meant by that, but at least we finally came to a conclusion,' Theodore thought as he sighed and smiled.

"Thanks for the treat, haha. I'll just get the same as yours. I'll go find us a vacant table," Yuri said as he looked up to Theodore. "Sure. This will be quick," the alpha said as he nodded.

Yuri immediately walked away, while Theodore stood in line so he could order their food.

As Yuri walked around the restaurant to find a table, a girl stopped in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. The omega moved sideways so they could pass each other, but the girl called him.

"Excuse me, you're Yuri, right?" the girl said, making Yuri turn his head in her direction. "Uh... Do I know you?" Yuri asked with a confused look on his face.