Bonus Chapter: Christmas Special

[Note: This chapter is not related to the previous chapter.]

[Ten Years Ago: Winter]

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this, my baby," a woman who was kneeling on the snow said as she hugged a five-year-old boy who was just standing still.

The boy, not understanding anything, hugged the woman back and said, "It's okay, Mommy."

The woman looked at her child with teary eyes, feeling upset that she couldn't do more for her son.

Even though her eyes were slightly red and her eyes were swelling, her beauty was still evident.

She had beautiful wavy blonde hair, pale skin, almond-shaped brown eyes, thick eyelashes, cheeks that turned rosy from the cold winter, and thin red lips. Her son looked so much like her that it was obvious whose son he was.

"You should go and say goodbye to your friends, my dear Yuri," she said as a sad smile formed on her lips.