Chapter 134

"Hi," Chester smiled as his eyes turned crescent-shaped.

Paris, who hadn't seen him in days, was screaming inside, freaking out that he was seeing him again in the flesh.

"Did you miss me while I wasn't around?" Chester asked as he put his arm around Paris' shoulders.

Paris felt shivers down his spine the moment he felt Chester's warmth against his body. He quickly moved away, his heart pounding so hard against his chest, and said, "Sorry, I have to go to class."

That was a lie.

He, in fact, does not have another class until after lunchtime. It was still ten in the morning and he has plenty of free time, but he couldn't help but give an excuse just to avoid being alone with Chester.

He quickly ran away, leaving Chester standing alone in the middle of the plaza, dumbfounded by Paris' sudden avoidance.

"Did I do something wrong...?" Chester mumbled to himself as he watched Paris run away.