Chapter 157

"Let's do it one last time. I want you inside me so bad," Yuri said with pleading eyes.

"But I promised not to do anything else," Theodore said as he moved his fingers inside him once again.

"Ohh... Aaah... A-Are you doing this intentionally?" Yuri moaned as he felt as though electricity was surging through his body.

"No," the alpha responded as he moved his fingers the way Yuri likes to be touched.

That was a lie.

The moment Yuri looked at him with pleading eyes while telling him he wants him so badly, his resolve to keep his promise vanished in an instant.

Instead of scraping out the semen inside Yuri's hole, he was now moving his fingers in a way that would pleasure Yuri.

"Haaa... Aaah... Yeah, there..." Yuri moaned while wriggling his body on the bed slightly, moving his hips to push Theodore's fingers deeper.

Theodore clenched his jaw and breathed heavily as he felt himself getting pulled along what Yuri wanted again.