Side Story 3: That Night (3)


Clark's face was painted with displeasure.

"You do know what you're doing is stalking, right?" He said as he looked at Damian from head to toe.

"Really? I came here to see Yuri, though? I just happened to run into you, that's all," the alpha smiled at him.

"Hah! Sure. Well then, I'll be leaving," Clark smiled at him and walked away. "Where are you going?" Damian followed him.

"None of your business, kid. Yuri's still in the lecture room. Just wait outside and he'll be down in a couple of minutes," Clark responded without even looking at him, walking even faster than earlier.

"Fine. I didn't come here for him. I came here for you. Now, can I come with you?" Damian said, still following him.

"No. I'm gonna report you for stalking me," the omega responded, still facing straight. "Oh, come on! I just wanna talk for a while. I don't even have your number," Damian pouted while following him from behind.