Side Story 3: That Night (11)

"You're right. You're actually quite cute," Clark said as he smiled, still staring at him.

Damian felt his face turn hot. It was out of character for Clark to compliment him like that.

"W-What are you talking about?" Damian said, flustered.

Clark chuckled and gently pinched Damian's cheek, making the alpha blush even more.

"See? Cute." Clark chuckled at the sight of him getting all flustered just from a few words and a little touch.

Damian's eyebrows furrowed, his face flushed and his heart still pounding on his chest so loudly.

He grabbed Clark's hand and stopped him from pinching his cheek.

"You're confusing me," Damian said, looking directly into Clark's eyes. "You've been acting strange lately. Was that because you felt apologetic for getting mad at me?" He continued.

Clark could hear the trembling in his voice. Damian looked like he was struggling.