If you weren't cute

"Where are we going?" Zhakhil asked standing between Adran and Iggi. 

After what had happened he didn't want his friend anywhere near the demigod. His heart was still too fragile to face the male. 

"We aren't travelling. We are hiding," Sorra informed him. 

She led through a dark passage way that led out of the palace. Everyone of them seemed anxious and on edge. 

"Why are we hi..."

"Shhhh," Zhakhil was shushed by everyone. He held his tongue. The demigod sure we're strange, they didn't stay in one place for long, this situation was similar to Athelia where they had to sneak away. 

Running away like thieves from kingdom seemed to be their thing. It came so easily to them like a naturally given talent.

"For your kind information, I don't like running," Iggi clarified.