Finding Xaddrin

Zhakhil next to the dragon leading back to the woods. His eyes gazed at the love of his life feeling his heart breaking in his chest. 

He had grown to embrace his dragon because it was the only he could survive after what happened at the Island. But the reason for that change was far from dead.

Xaddrin walked right before him and was looking better than ever. He had this beautiful smile on his face, well maintained. 

He was the opposite. He had grown a little thing from not eating well, his heart had grown hard and dark and his cared for people also vanished with the kindness of his heart. 

Seeing the dragon once more didn't melt any part of him. It only made him want to harden his heart some more. The male had taught him how to love but after the deciet even hate wasn't enough to describe what he was feeling in that moment.