Lilia arrived at the kingdom that the demon king had recently conquered. It made her blood run cold to see all the blood of the people that were killed during the attack.
It made her despise the demon king even more. The man already had so many kingdoms under his wing. A lot of people to torture every single day yet he wasn't satisfied.
The man had to go ahead and conquer another kingdom go create chaos in. She pitied the people that lived at that kingdom, they had no idea the monster that had taken over the ruling of their kingdom.
Soon their blood would run cold at the mare mention of the king's name. That they wouldn't even dare to utter his name ever again.
She tried to see it, Adran spoke of some good that existed in the demon king before. But she couldn't see it. All that she could see was a truth that was right there before her. A truth that was the ruthlessness of the king.