The Start of Everything

Returning to year 2149... Arthur is sleeping peacefully, scratching his belly and dreaming of being the hero of the anime he watched yesterday.

All of the sudden, his dream changed and a flood of broken fragments of his ten-year experience from the future enters his dreams.

'F**king fatass.'.

'Please be my girlfriend!'.

'Stage four cancer?'.

'Can you give me sometime? I have a son and daughters.'.

'Arthur always take care of your little sisters ok?'.

'Your father committed suicide. Your family owe us a lot of money'.

'Brother help!'.

'Alright let's play...'.

'What are you doing let's go!'.

'Way to go tactician.'

'Winning a war is my talent'.

'Hey babe I got a legendary item.'.

'I'll buy your legendary item.'.

'You should have taken the offer back there.'.

'... and a virgin.'.

'Hahaha you're so hilarious Arthur.'.


Arthur slowly starts to wake up , he felt a sudden mixed emotion of happiness, loneliness, anger and determination.

"It feels so real… What a weird dream…" He held his face and tears started to fall on his cheeks.

"Why am I crying?" He asks himself.

Arthur wipes his tears and keeps reminiscing about his dreams then he suddenly said "Maybe my future self is telling me something? HUWAHAAHAHA!" Kidding aside.

Holding his face like an anime character he laughs loudly that his both parents and sisters hear him outside his room.

-- Yearwood Dining Area --

"Mom! Brother's doing it again!" Lhorain shouted to her mother.

Their mother shakes her head "Are you not getting used of your brother? He always copies anime reactions, right?".

"But mom… He will be twenty two years old this year and he's a graduated student. Throw him out and let him find a job. His title as summa cum laude is going nonsense. It's too embarrassing to know he's my brother." Rose said.

"Dear, he's your brother don't say that… Man is a late bloomer, right love?" Their mother said.

Their father nods while watching basketball and replies without his attention to their conversation "You're right love.".

-- Arthur's bedroom --

Arthur decides to stop laughing and get up from his bed. He goes to the bathroom while dancing.

He shakes his butt while washing his face. Then he continued to dance until he finishes brushing his teeth , now he's combing his hair he looks at the mirror and stopped dancing.


Imagining he's talking to the girls. "Hi there ladies. How are ya" In British accent.

*Stomach rumbling*

Arthur touch his chubby belly "Hm… What will be the breakfast for today? I hope it's not eggs again*.

"ARTHUR YEARWOOD get down here and eat your breakfast!".

"Oh oh… You're in trouble ARTHUR AGUSTUS YEARWOOD" Arthur said to himself then he nervously get down the stairs.

While scratching his head he asks his mother "Mom what's for breakfast? Better be nothing than eggs".

"Then get a job and I'll turn your eggs into bacon.".

"Ok ok I'll get a job when I'm in the mood and please stop pulling my ear mom, I'm turning twenty two this year.".

Yearwood family started eating…

-- TV News Flash --

Reporter Karen D: "Everyone has been excited to know the person behind ZBox and 5D Colosseum and now a genius scientist named Hououin Kyouma is going to make a very important announcement around the world, live here at ABS-GMA channel 27.

Dr. Kyouma, welcome to our show. We are very pleased to meet you.".

-- Yearwood home --

Lhorain reacts "Big bro it's your idol!".

Arthur replied mouth-fulled "Mstomp Tamlkimng gmuyms. Mm Nemd thom hearm thims." asking everyone to keep silent.

-- TV News Flash --

"I'm happy to announce that my lifetime work is finally complete. VRMMORPG: The New World will be released on this exact date September seven next year and it's maintained by an AI called Terra." Dr. Kyouma continues to talk.

"Terra is an evolving AI, She'll handle all the calculations, predictions, securities, balance and events of the game. Terra can detect all cheats or any third elements that can affect TNW so it'll be the best not to try anything funny or you'll get a lifetime ban in the game.

For the game classes, we have at least thousands up to millions of starting classes while each class has three option for every tier, as of now, we are already at tier ten.

Classes can be determined by their rarity as common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, ancient and immortal as the highest one. Some classes are only available on other country or I should say other empire.

Each country will have a different empire, different classes, different cultures and different opportunities...

I have more to tell but our time here at the station is limited so I must stop and to feed your curiosity, here is the trailer of the game I created." Then station shows the trailer.

After showing a breathtaking trailer the announcer enters.

Karen D comments "Wow that's really a breathtaking game. I'm really excited to try the game Dr. Kyouma...".

"The information of the game will be released on our site in six months. So better check it out. And you will have some advantages above the other players. So that's only I need to say for now, good bye." Dr. Kyouma remove himself from the stage.

-- Yearwood Home --

After the announcement Arthur recalled his dreams and oddly finds some similarities about the game.

His instinct is loudly screaming in his mind, telling him to get prepared for the upcoming game called "The New World".

A burning determination ignite inside of him, looking forward for the TNW 'Pretty elves banzai!'.

-- On a mysterious place --

After hearing Arthur's thought.

Being one: "HAHAHAHA! His so epic right!?".

Being two: *Face palm*.

Being three: "Alright you're automatically lose."

Being four: "Why did you reincarnate him with broken memories? He'll lose.".

Being five: "You two are a perfect duo."

Being six: "What two retards in the making".

-- On the other place of Earth --

"So it's here...".

"Watashi ga toppu ni narimasu...".

"Ako ang maging pinakamalakas hahaha!..".

"Chiteukodeu haha!".
