Expedition: The Might of Foresight

Astrid jumps in front of the vanguards and starts attacking the enemies with her flaming sword. Every wave of her sword produces fire that cindering the enemies to death "Advance!"

Seeing how strong their commander is, the battalions morale reach it's peak causing them to fight much better than before, their defenses are more solidify and their attack becomes more powerful and fiercer.

The more the battalions advances, the more experiences they get, the more experiences they get the more levels they will have and the more levels they have, the stronger they will be. The newly recruited soldiers who are scared to death earlier are now capable soldiers to defend their empire and the experienced soldiers are now the elite soldiers of Pendragon's Empire.


With Astrid on the lead, the battalions becomes faster and stronger.

-- At enemy side when Astrid and the expedition armies arrives --

Hundreds of thousands monsters and demons kneeling in front of their demon lord commander who is sitting on a giant chair and covered in darkness.

"What's the status?.." the demon lord ask.

"My Lord, they are slowly weakening. Victory is within our grasp... Hehehehe..." A demon officer says.


"Too slow... too slow... They all need to die fast!" The demon lord deathly aura burst out.

When the deathly spread, all the monsters and demons trembles in fear and feels suffocate.

"Ma... My... My Lord..." The demon officer holds his neck while begging their demon lord to stop releasing deathly aura.


'My lord the princess of battlefield Astrid with her expedition armies arrives here, inside the wall... Their planning an...' The demon spy sent a message using long range telepathy but immediately cutoff.

Hearing what the spy said the demon lord look at his suffocating soldiers and slowly suppress his aura.

His terrified soldiers gasps for air while looking at their demon lord with their terrified eyes.

The demon lord stands up and walk forward exposing himself to the sunlight, his features are now finally seen.

With his 10 feet tall height, his muscular body, the two big horns on his forehead and his scary face... He can be easily recognize as one of the dangerous demon of all time... Diablo the lord of terror!

"Pesky insect's reinforcement arrives today. Let's welcome them warmly. WARLOCKS! FIRE COMBINATION MAGIC!


Thousands of warlock uses tier 2 dark spells at the same time.

"Spell! Burn burn let all the things be burn. Turn them to ashes so they will not return... FIREBLAST!...



"Attack the wall." A dark deep voice coming from Diablo.

The black giant fireblast that didn't emit any light thrown out to the wall of Pendragon's empire.

At the same time a giant curtain of water shows up and block the giant fireball.



The water shield successfully cancelled out some of the power of fireblast but the left most part of wall took a big damage.

"HAHAHA! Good good good! Now you useless f**king things SPREAD OUT!

Faster and stronger one, focus on the left most side of the wall go!

Warlocks keep firing spells on the center wall."

Diablo casually pick a spear besides him "Piercing Spear!"

His mascular arm suddenly gets big, he strongly throws the spear aiming at the left most side of the wall and returns to his seat while cleaning his hands.


The spear broke the left most side of the wall and his soldiers start to infiltrates it.

Diablo enjoying his time watching his soldiers devouring the humans and Astrid the process of the battlefield slaughtering his.

'Hooo that female insect is strong... A perfect tool for creating my next successor.' Diablo thoughts.

Astrid with her battalions are now charging toward his direction.


"They really are coming for me..."


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Diablo hitting his chair from laughter.

Pointing at Astrid and her army "Look at those insects! Can you see their faces? I want to destroy those thing. Go my legions... You may devour them all except that woman."

"At your command, our lord!"

-- Arthur's POV --

"SOLDIERS! ARROW HEAD FORMS!" Arthur heard a command coming from Astrid.


Arthur shouts out of emotion 'Ahh f**k so embarrassing! I shouted out of emotion. This game is so epic!'

Arthur is now enjoying the war because no ones are dying now. He leveled up again for three times more.

'Haha I'm already level 30! Alright!...

Take this! take that! Headshot!' Arthur immaturity is kicking in.



"What the...?" Arthur immediately look at the right side of their formation

Right side of their arrow head formation crumbles all of the sudden.

"HELP! Ahhhhh!...

HELP PLEASE HELP US!..." Hundreds of voice screaming and begging for help.

Astrid also look at their right side but see can't stop and help them. If she stop the charge and help them, many more soldiers will die. Their charge too deep and they only move now is to continue to charge forward.

Arthur knows Astrid can't help them, so he will do it "Finn, George I need your help."


Two of them already understand Arthur. The three of them quickly run opposite direction of the charging battalions until they arrive at right side of the arrow head formation.

Seeing the scary faces of the enemies and their built Arthur's instinct tells him that they are much stronger than the other monsters they have fought before.

Slowly changing his rope dart to sword and shield. Arthur moves forward and whisper to Finn and George.

"They are dangerous... Use range weapons and just back me up but if you can aim for their eyes it'll be much better. " Arthur faintly says.


Both of them nod.

"All stats to agility!" Arthur add all his free stats to agility to gain more speed.

He quickly charge toward the five enemies who are devouring the other soldiers.

The enemies instantly notices him and charges towards him.

Arthur assumes that their levels are at least 10 levels apart so he need to use all of arsenal that he need.

Arthur activates his foresight and sees the enemies attack patterns will be. After deactivating his foresight to save his mana, Arthur dodges the downward chop of the enemy and quickly aim for it's heart "Pierce"

[ -2456 HP ]

Arthur just created his highest damage but the enemy is not dead yet.


The angry enemy doing a chopping posture.


An arrow pierced one of it's eye and Arthur quickly hacks it's body into two "Nice assist!"

"Dodge!" Finn and George shouts.

Arthur immediately uses his shield to block the sword of another enemy.

[ -250 HP ]

He quickly back off and quickly rejoin to Finn and George


Receiving a hit on his head by Finn "Are you f**king retard there's four more. That monsters are called Barbfiend, they have two hearts."

"Wha... What.....? And you just saying it now!? I nearly died there!" Arthur says to Finn.

"You two stop quarrelling they are coming!" George shouts at them while drawing his bow..

Seeing the four Barbfiend charging toward them. Arthur immediately takes the frontline and Finn back off while drawing his bow with arrow.

Arthur activates his foresight again. His eyes moves so quick like Itachi eyes when using his sharingan 'Charge... Slide... Slash... Stand... Skill... Sidestep... Jump Hack it's head... Summon dagger... Backstep... Throw... Kick... Summon dart rope... Throw... Pull... Skill'

Instantly creating a scenarios inside his head. Arthur starts charging toward the Barbfiends. One of the Barbfiend attack horizontally and Arthur slides below him and slash his feet causing it to falls down and pierce it's head using pierce skill "One..."

An incoming vertical attack from the next Barbfiend but Arthur already predicted it and do a sidestep then jump on it's side then pierce it's head again "Two..."

Another Barbfiend attacks him but Arthur already do a back step to dodge while calling his daggers. He instantly uses throw skill two times, hitting Barbfiend both eyes and immediately kick to pierce it's head "Three..."

After kicking his daggers Arthur already calls out his rope dart and throw it onto the last Barbfiend. The dart rope circles around the neck Barbfiend causing it to choke. Arthur pulls the Barbfiend down with all his might and attack it's head using stomp skill "Four..."