(34) Spell Defense

The rest of the men got into some makeshift formation that he didn't recognize. Geth just looked at them with his brows raised. 'Just because we don't have guns now, you're going to fight like medieval soldiers?'

He shook his head and started walking forward, he was tired of waiting. Filthy saw him stepping forward but didn't take a step to stop him. If his friend was confident then he wouldn't interfere.

Bruce was busy scolding the other men when he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye. He spun quickly, thinking the enemy was attacking.

The sight was quite different, a single man was walking out in the soon-to-be battlefield. He was already over halfway across.

Geth walked forward while looking at the enemies, there were only 10 yards between them now. He could clearly see their Levels. He'd definitely estimated right.

All of the Swordsmen Goblins were level 10, all of the Goblin Assassins and Goblin Mages were Level 15, and the 6 big guys were Level 20. He was also able to see that the big ones were called Hobgoblins.

'Hmm, it looks like something changes between Level 10 and Level 15 that makes them have to make a choice. The choice may be at Level 10 since some Goblins didn't have the Berserk ability. It must be a choice between Berserk and Mana Sense.'

He deducted this information rather quickly while wondering what two Spells the Goblin mages could possibly know. There were 30 of them, so he assumed 15 could use one Spell while the rest of the Mages could use the other. This guess was based on the two slightly different types of staves

The larger creatures were even uglier than the other Goblins, even with their massive bodies, their heads looked too big to fit. All of the Goblins had multiple bumps, rashes, and warts. These big guys also had them, however, most of them were bursting open with a yellowish puss.

They really were grotesque creatures. As he came within 15 feet of the small army, the Goblin Mages raised their staves. Half of them were glowing with a light blue aura, while the other half was a light red.

A small bombardment of flames rushed towards him. He didn't intend to dodge, it was time to test his Wisdom Attribute. He did make sure to have his Restoration ready to cast.

As fifteen fireballs flew towards him, he could feel the heat coming off of them at ten feet away. At five feet, the small hairs on his arm slightly singed. Then, they collapsed into him.

The flames licked at his skin, causing the hair to burn and his skin to redden and then slowly blister. He watched the damage closely. It was painful, but it was more like standing in a shower where the water was way too hot. It certainly didn't feel like standing in a wave of fire.

:Geth; HP- 824/900:

He cast Restoration on himself, raising his HP by 32 on the first tick and turning the blisters back into a small reddened area. A visible white Mana swirled around his body.

An unexpected event also took place, the white mist slightly pushed away the flames, keeping them from touching his skin. He was still taking damage but it wasn't as significant.

It seemed that the flames didn't instantly disappear. There was slight burn damage, but it was only temporary. Soon the flames dispersed.

Just as they were about to go out, the Goblin Mages with the light blue staves fired spikes of ice his way. Each spike was about two feet in length and sharp at the end. Only one was fired per creature.

The 15 spikes all charged for him at once, this was nothing. He swung his arms and shattered the thin ice. There was a chilling effect that slowed his movement for half a second, but that was it.

They may be effective in the future, but their Level was too low. After the small volley of spells, the entire army started to surge forward. Around 170 angry Goblin swordsmen rushed towards and surrounded him. He just laughed.

They could hardly hurt him beforehand, even with their numbers piling on him, six at most could attack him at once. Geth rushed straight to the middle of the crowd, activating Corruption Aura as he went.

Now that it was Level 3, the Aura released thin black wisps that caused the area around him to darken slightly. As he rushed through he took note of the damage that was being caused.

:Goblin Swordsman (Lvl 10); HP- 435/450:

The damage per tick hadn't seen a significant change but the range was now almost 4 feet in any direction. It was even affecting those Goblins 2 rows back from the front, hitting close to 30 at once.

He didn't stand and just allow the creatures to hit him, he had his staff in one hand and a rusted sword in the other. Occasionally, the ground would liquefy below an enemy, causing them to falter. He didn't hesitate to swing the sword across their weak points.

The men standing on the opposing side of the battlefield were amazed.

"Can he really kill them all on his own?"

"Are you crazy, look at their numbers, it's like he's in the middle of a pond!"

"He isn't even getting hurt!"

Bruce watched from the side quietly, his eyes wide. He could see that Geth wasn't really struggling.

He spoke up, "It doesn't matter how strong he is, he doesn't have infinite MP. Let's move in and start mowing them down while their backs are turned!"

Once he had completed his orders, Bruce and the other men ran forward. Filthy was nowhere to be seen, he'd slipped away as soon as the Goblin Swordsmen rushed forward.