Before Geth had a chance to respond to such an insane revelation, there was a knocking on the Tower doors. Larz walked over and pressed on the cold steel, allowing the double doors to crack open.
He'd noticed Apate's aura pull in before he'd reached them, yet it didn't seem to make much of a difference. A pretty face poked in through the partially open double doors.
"Hello?" Jen's voice rang out as she stepped in, holding a set of clothes in her arms.
"Jen, over here!" Geth waved to her from beside the Obelisk. She smiled at him, but her face stiffened when she saw the beautiful unclothed woman sitting beside him.
"Who is she?" Sindri was one thing, but Jen had never even seen this woman.
"A visitor," Geth answered plainly.
Apate looked back and forth between the two briefly before closing her eyes and tilting her head, "You two seem to have a strong connection. Were you perhaps lovers at one point?"