(262) Tier 2

The guard unceremoniously shook the cage between the holding room and their destination. When they stopped, the Slime was tossed onto a long rectangular table.

The room looked like the first they had been in, only, instead of being empty, it was filled with hundreds of miscellaneous tools. Geth extended the Slime's senses to the room's edges, finding a few cages stacked in one corner containing other Slimes.

'What are they gonna do to the little guy now?' He wondered.

Geth was planning on studying the other Slimes in the room, but the old scientist entered before he had the chance. The man wore a full suit that looked to be made of the same material as the gloves used to pick up the Slime.

He opened the cage that Geth was in, allowing the Slime to maneuver about in the table. The scientist observed him for half an hour before reaching his hand into the air.